Our third day in London brought two more business visits. Our first visit was to Burson-Marsteller, a Public Relations firm. Their presentation gave us an overview of their customer base as well as was PR is. PR is about a reputation, what you do, what you say, and what others say about you. Burosn-Marsteller does work in over 57 countires. They have a large assorted client roster. One example they gave us in their presentation was Dove vs. Greenpeace. Dove put out a commercial with a little girl showing a loving softer side of dove and how we need to take care of ourselves to take care of our loved ones. Greenpeace responded with a commercial played off of Dove's commercial but showing the side that people don't see. The trees and people being affected by the production of Dove products. Instead of becoming defensive and getting upset, Dove decided to be proactive instead of reactive. They admitted that these things do happen to make their product, and they wanted to know how Greenpeace could help them in the quest to make their products more eco-friendly.
After the PR presentation, we jumped on the Metro over to the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) for a presentation on International Standards. We were given more a lesson in stocks and bonds rather than exactly what it takes to create a standard, but we did learn a few main points about the IASB. There are 15 board members that make up the IASB. Their main goal is to create standards that are used across the world for Accounting's reporting. The United States is currently not under IASB reporting. the US operates under FASB and GAAP. The main difference between the two standard settings, in simplest terms, is the "what and the how." What is reported and how it is reported.
On our last night in London we enjoyed a group dinner "tex mex" style. We were giving the option of a margirita, a mojito to acompany our fajitas. Great night and a great way to say goodbye to London. One of the sadest things about saying goobye to London, was saying goodbye to our Tour Guide Alex. She was the best and sweetest lady!!! She shopped with us and was so knowledgable about the city. I still miss her! After a few more hours at dinner, we headed back to the hotel to pack and get ready for our Eurostar train ride to Paris, "the city of lights"!!!!
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